Our Services

The durability and reliability of equipment after the overhaul depends on the durability and reliability of the detail’s quality. More often, the details with dull babbitt alloy are replaced to the new ones, but in most of the cases this alloy could be repaired and the bearing can be used again.The restoration cost of the details is 20-30% of the cost of new ones. 
This is due to the fact that during the restoration of details there is no need in spending money for obtaining semifinished products, and the number of consumables significantly declines , because the source itself is the detail itself, which has only some minor defects.
Repairing of the babbitt alloy allows to get significant savings, also reduces the spending money on utilization of old bearings, which also has a beneficial effect on the environment.
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Using many years of experience, our specialists have restored a huge number of babbitt bearings. Among our customers are enterprises from various industries.
  • Aluminum Mills
  • Steel Mills
  • Mining  
  • Shipyards
  • Cement Plants 
  • Chemical Plants 
  • Coal and nuclear power plants

Having at our disposal a large number of equipment and highly qualified specialists, we can recast the babbitt layer on a wide range of products: Eccentric Bearings; Motor Bearings; Trunnion Bearings; Turbine Bearings; Fan Bearings; Generator Bearings; Crusher bearing;  Сrusher bushing; Rolling mill thrust pad and many others

Our company is ready to expand. We are ready
to open new offices in different parts of the world
in close proximity and with collaboration to
potential customers. So we are looking forward to
working with different companies that need to
repair babbitt on parts for various equipment. If
you are interested in a company with 20 years of
experience, new technologies and a low market
price — we are here!

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babbitt bearing, babbitt metal, babbitt material

For more information

For further advice or calculation of the cost of work

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